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Lack of transparency and accountability causing a huge humanitarian crisis in the shipping industry

With 400,000 workers stranded on ships, a Bloomberg special investigative report found a humanitarian and environmental catastrophe in the making. And the worst part is that there is no way to fix the responsibility and hence, no way to improve the situation. 400,000 seafarers who have worked past expiration of their original contracts remain stuck […]

Trust deficit in police leading to crime upsurge in Pakistan

The National Corruption Perception Survey 2021 conducted by Transparency International Pakistan found the police the most corrupt institution in Pakistan. According to the survey, the three most important causes of corruption are weak accountability (51.9%), the greed of powerful people (29.3%) and low salaries (18.8%). As measures to reduce corruption, 40.1% of Pakistanis say an […]

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IWACEF Global Watch

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The National Whistleblower Center (NWC) is the leading nonprofit working with whistleblowers around the world to fight corruption and protect people and the environment. For over 30 years, NWC has educated whistleblowers about their rights under law, assisted them in obtaining legal assistance, and won policies to protect and reward them. NWC also partners with the National Whistleblower Legal Defense and Education Fund (NWLDEF), a public interest law firm, to help secure legal victories.

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A sign outside a hospital in the Liberian capital, Monrovia, urges patients not to bribe doctors or other staff for any services. The UNICEF-supported hospital offers its services for free