IWACEF strongly believes that combining effective diplomacy and hard data obtained through media monitoring and investigations will help governments bring the corrupt businesses and people to account and put an end to the devastating effects of corruption and fraud.
Operating globally, our work reflects the transnational nature of corruption and economic fraud and typically covers multiple countries within each investigation. When selecting a case, we seek to disrupt and help dismantle criminal networks and business-fronts that often aid and shield corrupt people and corrupt practices in the private and public sector.
Our investigations are at the basis of all our work. Meticulously, thoroughly and strictly planned and diligently documented, we aim to gather accurate, compelling and actionable evidence of the criminal activities of corrupt people and corrupt businesses engaging in fraudulent activities. We make use of global monitoring and analysis techniques and software along with local expertise in legal and law-enforcement fields. That allows us to provide our evidence and criminal analyses to law enforcement agencies in a format they are familiar with.